The Benefits of Owning a Personal Blog
In this post, I'll outline the benefits of blogging and why it's important to start a blog as a developer
Building A Career In Tech As A Newbie
Learn how to break into tech and what it means to start out as a developer and how to keep building your career as you embark on this journey
Love At Second Sight With TailwindCSS
I recently checked out TailwindCSS a utility-first CSS framework and I share my thoughts about it and how to get started with it in your project
How To Supercharge Your Productivity As A Developer
I gave a talk about this topic a couple of months ago at forloop Summit Lagos, Nigeria. I decided to write a blog post out of it so here it goes.
Guide to using Alternative Text on Images
In this article, I'll explain the importance of adding alternative text to image element and how this practice can improve accessibility
Web Accessibility For Beginners
Building accessible applications or websites is not the norm today
My Workflow And Tools That Help Me Speed Up Productivity
In this post I’ll outline the tools I use for my day to day activities.
My 2018 Year in Review & 2019 Resolutions
2018 has been a really productive and long year so far for me. Here's my reflections on what I've been able to accomplish this year and plans Ihave for 2019.
Setup CI with Travis CI in Your Nodejs App
Setting up TravisCI Deployment for Node.js Project
How to Center Anything in CSS
Learn how to center elements with Flexbox and CSS Grid.